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Seth Hertlein

Seth Hertlein

VP Policy & Regulatory Affairs

Seth is VP and Global Head of Policy at Ledger, the world’s leading platform to secure cryptocurrency and digital assets. Seth leads the growing policy team at Ledger responsible for promoting economic freedom across Ledger’s global footprint with a particular focus on policy development in Europe. Seth also serves on the Board of Directors of the Blockchain Association.
Prior to joining Ledger, Seth was the Head of Policy & Government Relations at the Stellar Development Foundation, where he oversaw all aspects of SDF’s engagement on digital asset policy. Under Seth’s leadership, SDF grew from being largely unknown in Washington to testifying before the House Financial Services Committee alongside the biggest names in the blockchain industry. For much of 2020, Seth was the only registered lobbyist in-house at a US blockchain project or company.
Prior to launching the policy practice at SDF, Seth was part of the founding team that opened the Washington office of FS Investments, a leading alternative investment manager. At FS, he participated in passing the first modernization of the laws governing business development companies. Prior to FS Investments, Seth was a securities regulator focused on adapting regulatory policy toward the burgeoning fintech industry. Seth earned a law degree from The Ohio State University and a MBA in finance from Wright State University.

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