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Product | 03/28/2024

Stake Your ETH With Confidence: Figment Joins Ledger Live

Things to know:

– You can now securely and easily stake your ETH with Figment through Ledger Live. Download the app in the Discover section or tap on stake in your homepage.

– The Figment app allows you to stake your digital assets, earn rewards, and track performance via an easy-to-use interface. Note that the minimum amount must be 32 ETH.

– If you’re using the Figment app before April 30 through Ledger, you will enjoy zero fees on rewards generated. An 8% fee will apply on rewards from May 1, 2024 onward.

– At Ledger, our priority is to create easy-to-use solutions in full security. Ledger Live is your all-in-one digital asset management solution where you can manage your digital assets with security and ownership.

We’re glad to announce that the Figment app is now accessible through Ledger Live, allowing you to stake a minimum of 32 ETH with security and convenience. Staking ETH with Figment through Ledger brings multiple benefits, including self-custody (as you’re not staking using a centralized exchange), ease of use, and security provided by your Ledger device. On top of that, Figment enables:

  • Instant Rewards. All rewards are sent to your wallet immediately. No need to claim them. No hidden fees.
  • Complete Control. Your validator’s address is always set to your wallet. You maintain control of your funds at all times.
  • No pooling. You get your own dedicated smart contract. Your ETH is never pooled with other users in a honey-pot contract. 

Staking Your ETH with Figment through Ledger’s secure ecosystem is easy. All you need to do is to:

  1. Go to Ledger Live and click “Stake”
  2. Select Ethereum
  3. Choose Figment and start staking for a minimum amount of 32ETH!

You can also download the Figment app from the Discover section of your Ledger Live.

What is Staking?

Crypto staking is when you lock up a certain amount of cryptocurrency in order to secure a proof of stake blockchain network. Staking helps secure, and maintain the health of the network, while being an interesting way to earn crypto rewards. 

Learn more about crypto staking with the Ledger Academy. 

What is Figment?

Figment’s mission is to build a better Internet by increasing usage of the next generation of Proof-of-Stake blockchains. Figment brings this mission to reality by helping investors stake their tokens; earn yield and participate in securing the blockchain. Figment’s protocol and governance expertise allows token holders to analyze, monitor and make informed decisions, and the application layer helps fuel innovation and growth across the Web3 ecosystem. 

Figment is trusted by over 250 institutions, including venture capital firms, asset managers, protocol foundations, family offices, and large scale crypto platforms.

Explore Web3 while enjoying the benefits of self-custody

Ledger is committed to providing easy and secure access to Web3 and allowing everyone to enjoy the benefits of self-custody, whether you’re crypto-savvy or a newcomer. Integrating new features, coins and DApps to Ledger Live is at the heart of our mission. Follow our blog for the latest news and updates, and stay on top of upcoming releases.

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