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Product | 06/20/2023

Ledger, Axelar, and Squid partner to drive secure and seamless interoperability across crypto

Things to know:

You can now create an account, send, receive, and stake your Axelar (AXL) tokens through Ledger Live.

Squid, a cross-chain swap dApp built on Axelar, is now available through Ledger Live’s Discover section, making it possible for users to swap tokens safely and fast across chains in one click.  

The Axelar protocol “is a blockchain that connects blockchains,” to enable “universal Web3 interoperability.” AXL token powers the Axelar Network’s Proof-of-Stake consensus.

We’re glad to announce that you can now create an AXL account, as well as send and receive AXL tokens through your Ledger Live app. All you need is to install the Axelar (AXL) app on your Ledger device and follow the simple steps explained here.

You can now also stake your AXL tokens with Ledger’s Chorus One validator, enabling you to reap extra benefits from your assets while participating in the network security. This article explains how to delegate AXL to Ledger by Chorus One validator and earn rewards. You can learn more about staking with Ledger here.

The AXL token is a fundamental component of secure cross-chain communication on the Axelar network. AXL token holders can stake their assets, delegating tokens to a validator’s staking pool and receiving rewards.

Seamless Cross-Chain Transactions: Squid DApp joins Ledger Live

With Squid, joining Ledger Live’s Discover section, users can now swap and transfer between tokens on different chains without leaving Ledger Live.

Squid provides cross-chain liquidity across more than 25 blockchains, automating the steps involved in swapping tokens between chains over decentralized infrastructure. Squid solves cross-chain UX, by reducing any action across chains into a single click, with a single wallet, in 20 seconds, and without the use of insecure bridges.

Explore the Internet of Value with Ledger

At Ledger, we offer you a secure and efficient way to explore the Internet of Value. With your Ledger Live app, you can easily manage your cryptocurrencies and NFTs, and use a growing list of DApps available in the Discover section, with your private keys safely stored in your hardware device. 

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