Company | 07/07/2023
Ledger & Friends With Benefits (FWB) Launch A Summer Series Podcast
By Ian Rogers, Chief Experience Officer at Ledger & Zoe Rogers, Head of Digital Events at FWB
IAN: Hello, my name is Ian Rogers and I’m the Chief Experience Officer here at Ledger. One of the perks of my job is that I get to interview people who I’m curious to meet and share these conversations on the On The Ledger podcast. Check my interviews with Balaji Srinivasan, Tony Fadell, Yancey Strickler, Derek Edwards, and our own CTO Charles Guillemet for examples I’m proud of.
ZOE: I’m Dr Zoë Rogers and among other things I handle digital events for FWB. To gear up for this year’s FWB Fest my dad and I are teaming up for a Ledger x FWB podcast series on “Creative Custody”. We are talking to people we look up to for the ways they are using digital ownership plus creativity to forge new ways of creating art, fostering communities, and building brands. We will share these 10 conversations this summer in the weeks leading up to and following FWB Fest On The Ledger.
IAN: I found these conversations inspiring. In so many ways it confirmed for me that we are in the early and formative days of this space, with much to be explored and very little certainty. But I was blown away by the intelligence and conviction of the guests. These are all people who aren’t much concerned about the opinions of others, they follow their instincts into the future.
ZOE: We kick off the series with an interview of FWB’s “Mayor”, Alex Zhang. FWB is a pioneering token-gated and community-owned social DAO, and an innovative social network. Its objective is to foster culture and creativity at the heart of the crypto space. This vibrant community originated from a simple question: “Can a crypto asset contain cultural value?” Tune in to our interview with Mayor Alex for the answer.
Thanks for listening and let us know what you think!
Ian and Zoe