New: Introducing the world's first secure touchscreen hardware wallets

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Company | 10/16/2015

Celebrating Ledger’s partnerships in style

With Ledger’s low level and high level APIs, integration of third-party services can be achieved quite easily.
To celebrate our five major partnerships, we decided to release a limited edition of the HW.1 with the liveries of GreenAddress, Mycelium, Coinkite , Copay and Electrum.

The HW.1 limited editions use the design of the selected service, and are shipped in a box containing a security card, instructions, and a recovery sheet. They are available worldwide for 15.00€ (+20% VAT is you are in Europe) and with a free shipping option.


GreenAddress is a multi-signature wallet with improved second factor security. One HD private key is controlled by GreenAddress and the other one is in your possession. You can use the Ledger Nano (or HW1) to store your private key.

How to use the Ledger Nano or HW.1 with GreenAddress


Mycelium is one of the most popular Android Bitcoin wallets. Using an OTG adapter, you can connect a Ledger to your phone and delegate key management to the secure element. You’ll be able to use the same accounts than when using the Ledger Chrome app transparently.

How to use the Leder Nano or HW.1 with Mycelium


Coinkite is a leading Bitcoin Platform with a robust multi-signature vault. Between 1 and 15 co-signers, that being a single or multiple users can be required to authorize each spend transaction, while any involved can view transactions/balances and propose new spending. With a Coinkite Multisig account, any or all of the required keys can be stored securely inside the Ledger–allowing simple and fast transaction approvals. The secret key is never stored on any other device and the signature is performed inside the Ledger USB device itself. Coinkite + Ledger make multi-signature wallets much safer and easier to use. Enjoying a powerful web wallet with many features, not least of which is a powerful API allowing automation.

How to use the Ledger Nano or HW.1 with Coinkite


Copay is an open-source multi-signature wallet available on many different platforms. You can easily create co-signing accounts and send payment requests to your co-signers. By using a Ledger device, your private keys are safeguarded and one-click signing of spending transactions is available through the Ledger Chrome app.

Copay integrates Ledger’s hardware wallets


Electrum is a free and open source fully decentralized Bitcoin wallet, implementing the Simplified Payment Verification protocol. Ledger is available with native support, without the need of the Ledger Wallet Chrome app.

If you wish to integrate Ledger into your product or solution, contact us!

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