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Product | 03/21/2019

Ledger Nano X: Last-minute Production Difficulties Delay Shipment

Ledger Nano X Shipment Delay
Due to unexpected production issues that surfaced at the last moment, we are sorry to let you know that our Ledger Nano X units will not be shipped this week as expected. We are doing everything we can to get our Nano X units shipped as soon as possible, but as of today, we are delayed by at least one month and possibly more. We will keep you updated as we learn more.
Ledger is committed to offering only the highest quality products to you; especially in light of the overwhelming support we received from our Ledger community with the thousands of pre-orders of the new Nano X.
So what happened?
This week, after receiving a shipment of materials for the Nano X that we had planned to assemble and ship this week, we had to reject the parts. They did not meet our quality standard. That threw off our whole schedule and it meant that we would not be able to keep our commitment to you and ship any pre-ordered Nano X this week – and for this, we are very sorry.
We feel terrible about this and we want to try and make things right to our users, therefore we would like to offer a free Ledger Nano S to those who pre-ordered a Nano X before this communication as a token of our appreciation. It can be used as a backup device for the Nano X – learn more here
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service for further assistance.

Again, we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and we appreciate your patience.

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