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Product | 12/06/2018

Neufund and Ledger Team Up to Create a Secure Framework for Managing Real-World Assets on the Blockchain

Neufund’s partnership with Ledger will enable users to manage real-world assets on the blockchain while creating the safest user-experience for investors
Neufund, the end-to-end solution for securities tokenization and issuance, announces its partnership with Ledger, a global leader in securing crypto assets. This collaboration aims to develop a framework for security tokens.
Neufund and Ledger will work together to create the safest user-experience for crypto investors by developing a framework for security tokens. Ledger, which recently launched a desktop application for user-friendly crypto asset management, Ledger Live, plans to soon add an ERC20 integration to its app. The app will enable users to manage security tokens issued through Neufund’s set of protocols.
“Currently, Ledger’s hardware wallets are the safest way to set up and manage investments conducted through Neufund’s set of protocols. With operations in the 7-9 digit (€) range, security becomes a the top priority. Enabling investors to manage their ERC-20 based equity tokens directly from a desktop app will disrupt the way we interact with our crypto assets,” says Zoe Adamovicz, CEO of Neufund.
Ledger’s solutions are already incorporated into Neufund’s platform. Companies and investors are able to set up and manage their accounts using Ledger’s hardware wallet. The current partnership builds on a previous collaboration, which created a special edition of the Ledger Nano S to high-profile investors participating in Neufund’s Initial Community Building Mechanism, back in November 2017. The devices were then notarized in Germany, which provided an additional layer of protection to its hardware wallet.
“We are excited about today’s announcement. It marks a new, important chapter in bringing security tokens to the Ledger platforms” said Eric Larchevêque, CEO at Ledger. “We are thrilled to be joined at this frontier by Neufund, a leader in securities tokenization and issuance.”
Along with joining forces to create a more secure framework for managing real-world assets on blockchain, the two companies will organize an open legal-technical hackathon in Paris, with the aim of creating better solutions for managing tokenized real-world assets.
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