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Company | 05/18/2021

Upgrades to Ledger’s Human Firmware — Welcome Iqbal Gandham and Charles Hamel to Team Ledger

Here at Ledger we wake up each morning excited to be a part of the brave world of digital assets. Every day is full of exploration, pushing against boundaries until new lands are revealed.  The people here at Ledger come from many different disciplines and walks of life, brought together for a common goal: to create the best experience to safely buy, exchange, and store your digital assets.  Our belief is that this simple mission is an important and meaningful part of current and future human experience.

We are focused on executing and Ledger’s business is good (Ledger is profitable and our first quarter 2021 revenues were more than 500% above first quarter 2020!).  The world of crypto and digital assets is booming, and the Ledger Nano leads the market.  We are selling more Nanos than we make each week in 2021 (sorry for the delays, we are building Nanos as fast as possible!), our customers are asking us for support for more chains, coins, and services, and that means we are hiring to keep up the pace.

Today I wanted to tell you about two new members of Team Ledger whose names you may have heard before and their hiring points in the strategic direction Ledger is headed:

Iqbal Gandham has joined Ledger as our VP Transactions and Payments, which means he is responsible for integrating all your favorite services directly into Ledger Live so you never need to leave the comfort of your Nano to interact with the entire world of digital assets.  When Ledger Live adds a new service it is not “just another place” to interact with that service, it’s immediately the best place, because you can sign transactions knowing that “what you see is what you sign” and your private keys remain off the Internet.  Every week more and more people are using Ledger Live to Buy and Exchange crypto, as an example.  Iqbal has joined Ledger to add more and more services for you, our customers, directly within Ledger Live.  Previously Iqbal was the managing director of eToro, and is a  crypto veteran who was the founding chair of Crypto UK.

Charles Hamel is joining as Ledger’s VP Product, where he will take charge of making sure Ledger Nano, Live, and future products are everything you want and need them to be. Charles spent the past twelve years leading product development at Opera in a variety of ways including Opera’s crypto initiative, making Opera the first browser with a built-in wallet and support for Dapps across mobile and desktop. As we add more and more services to Ledger Live it begins to behave more and more like a browser — one that is natively connected to the most secure hardware wallet on the planet.  Charles joins to lead our product team, bringing along his experience building a browser for all kinds of purposes.  

We are ecstatic to bring on such great people with experience that points in the right direction for our customers and business!  If this describes you as well, please check our job postings frequently and if something looks right for you, please apply!

Welcome to Iqbal, Charles, and the many others who have joined our ranks already in 2021!  It’s a business doing pleasure with you!  😉


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