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What is Ledger Live?

Read 3 min
Ledger devices on a podium
— Ledger Live is Ledger’s native interface where you can easily manage your coins and dApps

— On the Ledger Live interface, every action requires to be confirmed by you using the buttons on your hardware wallet; a two-step authentication process that mitigates the risk of hacks

— The recently launched App Catalogue within Ledger Live allows you to manage your favourite dApps from one secure gateway while bringing the industry-leading security of our Trusted Display to all of your transactions
— Ledger’s App Catalogue is continually expanding, with new integrations happening each month

Ready to start your crypto journey for real? Now that you know how to properly secure and manage your coins with our Ledger hardware wallets, time for the final step: buying your first crypto. Good news! We’ve got you covered with the Ledger Live app. What is Ledger Live? Here we explain.

What is Ledger Live?

Ledger Live is our platform of apps and services integrated specifically to work with your Nano device. It functions as a secure gateway to the crypto ecosystem. This means accessing a variety of crypto, NFT, and DeFi-based services directly and seamlessly from your hardware wallet – a better, simpler user experience that bypasses a major security concern known as blind signing. Find out more about that right here.

The Ledger Live platform comes with every purchase of a Nano and can be installed directly on your smartphone or desktop. Using Ledger Live allows you to easily:

  • Buy your first crypto through our partners, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and XRP… And more…
  • Swap one crypto for another with our partners. Offering you the fastest way to swap crypto coins and tokens in one single place to help you diversify your portfolio
  • Cash out and sell crypto whenever you want through our partners. Because you are the one who decides. No one else. 
  • Grow your assets while keeping them safe. And Ledger Live offers you more than one way to do it. First, choose your favorite crypto among the ones supported. Then choose your way:
    • Start growing them using our staking feature. Basically, staking works like investment accounts as it allows you to earn crypto rewards while keeping your assets secure in your hardware wallet. This option is only available on some specific blockchains which use a Proof-of-Stake protocol. 

…and Stake directly Through the Ledger Validator Node

Did you know, you are now even able to stake directly from your Ledger hardware wallet, through Ledger’s own validator node? So you can enter the rewarding world of staking securely, via a platform you already know and trust. Find out how to access staking through the Ledger validator node for yourself, right here.

Check your balance anytime and anywhere using the app, so that you can easily keep track of your crypto operations and check your real-time balance.

All of your favorite coins are at your fingertips

Don’t feel limited! Ledger Live allows you to securely manage a wide range of cryptocurrencies. You can manage around 30 different coins, including BTC, and ETH, and more than 1500 tokens, including Matic, are supported. You can also accumulate more than 1250 ERC20 tokens, all in one place. And we are still adding more of them! This means you only need one single app combined with your device to secure and manage all of your different assets.

Discover section: the secure gateway to your dApps & Apps

At Ledger we’re aiming to become a platform for all crypto services, enabling you to access whatever you need from within the security of your Ledger device.

Available in the Discover section, the live apps catalog gathers all currently and soon-to-be supported dApps in one place, so you can find and access them with ease. Clicking on an app in this section will open a window that will open the app’s interface, allowing Ledger Live to act as a secure gateway to those different services.

No more blind signing! Accessing your dApps through Ledger Live means all transactions (borrowing, staking, swapping) need to be confirmed via your hardware wallet, and funds can be sent and received directly through your existing crypto accounts within Ledger Live. The App Catalogue is a one-stop shop for all your dApp transactions.

How does Ledger Live work?

The only way to your financial freedom is through complete ownership and reliable security. So, Ledger’s answer is simple: our Ledger Live app is paired with your Ledger hardware wallet that secures your private keys while verifying and securing all your transactions. 

In practice, it means that each action made in Ledger Live has to be confirmed on your hardware wallet. Indeed, for each operation – whether buy, send, swap, or grow… – the information must be validated by you on your hardware wallet, using the screen and the 2 buttons.

In other words, your Nano device works as a safe validator. Similarly to shopping websites asking you to confirm a purchase through your bank app. By doing so, it makes sure that it is actually you who is at the origin of the action, and that the information is not erroneous. By confirming each operation with your secure and immutable hardware wallet, you mitigate the risk of hacks.

Knowledge is power.

Trust yourself and keep on learning! If you enjoy getting to grips with crypto and blockchain, check out our School of Block video all about making your crypto work harder for you.

Disclaimer: Exchange, lend, and other crypto transaction services are provided by third-party partners. Ledger provides no advice or recommendations on use of these third-party services.

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