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EP - 25

When Fluf World meets Ledger: Get Metaverse Ready w/ Aaron Mcdonald


Aaron McDonald
Fluf World Cofounder

Jan 25, 2022

What is the metaverse? Who are its participants and how is it being built? And what are its challenges? Big questions that demand big answers.

Our guest today is building one of the most impressive and innovative Metaverse ecosystems out there. Aaron is the creator of Fluf World and Altered State machine. A couple of projects that were launched a few months ago but are already comfortably surfing on the NFT wave (ask Snoop Dogg).

Together we explored his vision for Flufs, their synergies with ASM brains and where they’re both heading. A fascinating conversation about Web3’s creator economy, AI and the future of the metaverse.

We’ve also dropped a bomb towards the end of the discussion, so if you’re part of the Fluf community, you’re going to want to hear this… Fluf World x Ledger collab incoming!

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