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EP - 28

POAP, your Web3 memories w/ L. Verra


Lucas Verra
Head of POAP France

Feb 15, 2022

Today, On the Ledger will be discussing memories in the form of tokens. If you think about it, the places we go to and experiences we live are a big part of our lives and identities and this is why we love to capture them. We have been collecting memories in the form of tickets, clothings and goodies for decades. But there’s one NFT player that’s changing the game in terms of value, visibility and utility: POAP – for Proof of Attendance Protocol.

Those nice little tokens that everyone’s after – and one can easily display and manage on Ledger Live, by the way. The protocol garnered an insane amount of adoption in 2021 through the likes of brands and events who offered them to their ever-increasing communities of crypto enthusiasts. And we have now come at a time when a Web3 event without a POAP is not a Web3 event.

So, today, we are glad to be talking to Lucas Verra, head of POAP France. This is On The Ledger, your Web3 memories episode.

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