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Pegasus Aftermath: Is crypto safe in phones? w/ Charles Guillemet & JB Bédrune


Charles Guillemet & JB Bédrune

Jul 30, 2021

What can we learn from the Pegasus spyware scandal? We dive into why your crypto isn’t safe in your Web 2 devices – aka smartphones & laptops– and what  you can do about it.

In July 2021, the world discovered the existence of Pegasus. 

A spyware, made in Israel and used, it seems, by many governments over the world, to invade the cellphones of heads of states, journalists, dissidents and so on, thanks to what is called “reverse engineering.”

The scandal is going on as we speak. But as many questions remain unanswered, we, at Ledger, thought it’d be a good moment to deep dive into the many weaknesses of what we call web2 devices : that’s your smartphone, or your laptop. And what’s true for your private data is of course true of your crypto: none of them are safe on your smartphone. 

This special On The Ledger episode looks at security vulnerabilities on smartphones and their impact on the safety of your crypto assets. Hosting Charles Guillemet (CTO) and JB Bédrune (Head of Security Research) two security experts from the Ledger Donjon. Together, we’ll dive into the experiments they recently conducted on a variety of mobile phone-based software wallets and how you can avoid being targeted by such practices. Sit back and get your security game strong!

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