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EP - 36

Ledger & Figment: how to stake freely and safely ? - with L. Gabel, CEO @ Figment


Lorien Gabel
Cofounder & CEO @ Figment

Apr 19, 2022

Staking. This is a word that might sound scary, even if you’re crypto-advanced, either because it is too complex or inaccessible. How much crypto do I need? What is a delegator? How to choose a node? What are the risks, and how to prevent them? This is where Figment comes in. Figment is a blockchain infrastructure and services provider that makes it simple for token holders and enterprises to participate in Proof of Stake. And the good news is – Ledger users will now be able to access Figment’s staking crypto services directly from within the security of the Ledger ecosystem. To cover all our staking questions, including why proof of stake over proof of work, what is slashing, how to stake safely, and why Ledger is the ultimate place to do so, we are thrilled to have Lorien Gabel, Figment Co-Founder and CEO, and Charles Hamel, VP Product at Ledger, on this new episode of On The Ledger.

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