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Hash Rate Meaning

Sep 18, 2023 | Updated Sep 18, 2023
A hash rate is a measure of the computational and processing power of a cryptocurrency network.

What is Hash Rate?

Think of a block in a blockchain as a folder that contains files. The files have the most recent transaction information on a network. It takes a certain amount of computational power to confirm the validity and integrity of these files before they are added to the folder. This required computational power is the “hash rate”.

Hash rate is a measure of the combined computational power a blockchain network uses to process transactions. Hash rates also measure mining difficulty, which indicates how time-consuming it is to successfully add a block to a blockchain. They can indicate a network’s strength, including its security and health, based on the number of miners verifying the transactions. In other words, a hash rate determines the efficiency and performance of a crypto network.

How Do Hash Rates Work?

A blockchain network typically uses a special mathematical function known as the hash algorithm to randomly produce a hash value. Miners on the network compete to generate the correct hash. The winning miner is then allowed to validate transactions and is rewarded for solving the mathematical puzzle. 

However, generating a valid hash can take millions of guesses. The number of guesses made per second is computed as the hash rate. High hash rates mean that the network has many competing miners, which generally indicates that a network is secure and efficient. 

How to Measure Hash Rates

Hash rates measure the number of computations a network can perform per second. A blockchain network’s combined hash rate is estimated as the sum of the total hash rates of all the mining hardware in the network.

Hash rates are calculated in terms of hashes (guesses) per second (h/s). They can be represented in notations such as kilo (KH/s), mega (MH/s), giga (GH/s), tera (TH/s), peta (PH/s), and exa (EH/s).

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