Brave Browser: Rewarding You for Watching Ads

— Online browsing has run amok with targeted adverts, data-tracking, and an almost unbelievable absence of user privacy. Brave is a browser that aims to change this landscape, putting a stop to online surveillance. — Brave users can also opt in to give their attention to adverts and in reward, they receive Basic Attention Tokens – Brave’s native cryptocurrency. — Brave advertisers pay the platform to advertise to users and receive better feedback and data from their ad spend than on other platforms. —This creates a collaborative ecosystem without room for monopolies vying for power and control while ensuring privacy is respected and user activity is untracked. It’s a win-win with more power to the people with more security online. |
Can one really get paid for watching ads? Let’s find out about Brave browser rewards.
The wonderful, wild world of online browsing and online access to a global hub of information is an incredible playground of knowledge opportunities. But it’s become littered with advertisements shoved in your face with popups and tracked data.We don’t get to choose what we want to see and we certainly don’t get anything in return for the attention taken from us.

Imagine how great it would be for an option to clear up that mess. Well, there is, Yep. There’s a browser that allows you to browse online without forcing advertisements at you and without watching what you do online. It’s Brave and it’s just so much more than an ad-blocking browser. It’s shifting the way we can do digital advertising. And it’s brilliant.
A Brave new world of advertisement
Basically, the team at Brave has developed two innovative aspects that work together to create a new landscape for online advertising:
- The browser is completely free from unwarranted targeted ads and online surveillance – giving privacy back to the people.
- Users can opt in to watch adverts from content creators and get rewarded for their attention.
Why does privacy really matter? Does it really need protecting?
To answer this question, we’ll pose another question: If you felt like someone could be eavesdropping on a conversation that might be taken out of context, you’ll stop talking, right? You might carry on, but in a lower hush so that they can’t hear you. That right there, that’s the cost of privacy.
The guys at Wired do an amazing job at explaining why privacy is so valuable and why we should be striving to protect it.
This leads to one very exciting implication here is that it cuts out the middlemen in online advertising – the ones which abuse privacy and exploit content creators. The middlemen, often monopoly platforms like Facebook and Google, are taken out of the equation.
It’s up to the user if they want to see an advertisement (and get that sweet reward for their time) and advertisers get a better return on their investment with more accurate, authentic data because users are opting in, not swiping away. It’s a win-win with more return for everyone involved.
Brave’s Basic Attention Token
Okay, but why is this relevant to blockchain and cryptocurrency?
Yes, the exciting technology that wraps it all together!
This is where the rewards come in. The Brave browser rewards system uses a cryptocurrency called Basic Attention Token (BAT). It does this by leveraging smart contracts where the advertiser pays to send a user an advertisement.
When accepted, the user will enjoy the advert experience and take away a tidy 70% of the ad revenue the platform receives from the creators. From there, the tokens can be redeemed at the Rewards Marketplace for things like gift cards, competition entries, donations, and tipping content creators.
As a cryptocurrency, BAT can also be traded on several cryptocurrency exchanges and it can be stored in the same way as other tokens. We’ve got you covered if you’re looking to keep your BAT safe. Through a secure hard wallet, our Ledger Nanos are just the thing to do the trick. Convenience abounds – BAT is also compatible with Ledger Live.
Find out more about that here.
The Brave future ahead
What we find most exciting about Brave and BAT, beyond the exceptional use of technology, is the sort of future that the platform is paving towards privacy.
It’s a direction towards a future where individuals get the control back. One where collaboration sustains the system and not monopolies competing for power. It’s a bright future and we can’t wait to see what other projects emerge to springboard us to it.