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All Time High (ATH) Meaning

Dec 23, 2022 | Updated Mar 18, 2024
All-Time High (ATH) refers to the highest price that a financial asset has ever reached. The term is used to analyze traditional financial assets like stocks and bonds, as well as digital assets like Bitcoin.

What is Crypto All Time High?

The All-Time High or ATH of a cryptocurrency refers to the highest price of an asset over the course of its time on the market. In theory, an ATH shows the ‘maximum sale price’ at which the asset can be sold or the ‘maximum purchase price’ a trader will offer to purchase the asset.

Inversely, the All-Time Low (ATL)  represents the lowest price at which the asset has been traded or listed in a market exchange.

What is Bitcoin’s ATH?

In December 2018, Bitcoin’s ATH value was close to $20,000. Three years later, in 2021, Bitcoin started the year with an ATH of a little under $30,000 but on November 10, it peaked and made its way to make a new record ATH of $68,000.

What is Ether’s ATH?

After Bitcoin, Ethereum holds the second-largest position in crypto market capitalization. Following the bull run of 2021, on November 10, 2021, Ethereum reached an ATH of $4,840.


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