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Crypto Hacks Timeline

Read 2 min
Warning sign popping out from a purple background.
— Here we detail the biggest crypto hacks of the last ten years – and some essential figures.

— $2.04B = all-time amount hacked from crypto exchanges.

— $870M = amount hacked in 2018.

— $65 stolen every second.

At Ledger, it’s our job to know about crypto hacks – so we can protect you from them. Here, we give a timeline of the biggest crypto hacks in the last decade.

Since the advent of bitcoin 10 years ago, the story of cryptocurrencies has been riddled with frequent, spectacular, and troubling hacks to even the most reputable cryptocurrency exchange platforms. While the hot storage (online wallet) of private keys has lead to these headline grabbing stories, there are certainly ways to have a safe, simple and enjoyable crypto experience.

We at Ledger believe it is our responsibility to provide cryptocurrency owners with secure solutions to protect their crypto assets. 

This is why we developed the Ledger Nano S and the Ledger Nano X: secure hardware wallets designed to withstand even sophisticated attacks.


Knowledge is power.

Trust yourself and keep learning. If you enjoy getting to grips with crypto and blockchain, check out our School of Block video all about keeping your crypto safe.

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